Dear colleagues,

during the last few months, we have received a large number of PAH activity landscape requests. As you know, we provide this service free of charge and perform the experiments on a scientific basis. We will need several months to complete all pending requests. Until this is achieved, we cannot accept new requests.

With apologies,

Kind regards from the
PAH activity landscapes team.

Requesting scientist
Last Name

Requested landscape

Mutations listed are described in the literature or databases in the order of deletions, intron mutations and exon mutations. Intron mutations are listed according to the respective intron location and the nucleotide exchange (e.g. IVS10-11G>A). Exon mutations are listed in alphabetical order of the native amino acid and the position of the amino acid exchange (p.Arg408Trp).

In case a mutation is not listed please specify the mutation by nucleotide change and amino acid exchange (if applicable) in the comments.

Choose genotype
Number of patients: